
Worship. It’s home to my soul. This is where I’m keenly aware of His presence and my need for Him. When the world drives you toward anxiety, worship is the antidote to worry. His presence recalibrates our hearts and refocuses our perspective. One minute in God’s presence can remedy a lifetime of pain.

As a worship leader, songwriter, and recording artist, I’ve seen God use music to bring hope and healing into any situation. Whether I’m sitting solo at a piano, leading with a band, or sharing in concert, when God is exalted, lives are changed.

Contains 10 original songs and paints an intimate portrait of defining moments in Angela’s life.

Reflects Angela’s diversity as an artist. It includes several originals, unique arrangements of worship songs, and the missions-inspired track, “Voice of the Voiceless”.

A fusion of classical, jazz, and ambient sounds. This instrumental album is the perfect companion for devotional times or a soothing balm for a stressful day.

You can find my albums on iTunes or in my shop. You can also get your worship on by listening on YouTube and Pandora!

Angela is a true leader of worship. What you hear may be coming from her lips, but the root is from her heart. It is evident that her ministry in song stems from a relationship with God and not from a desire to perform. Her sensitivity to the Spirit allows her to flow in a way that allows the prophetic to genuinely manifest. The anointing that rests on Angela not only allows you to experience the presence of God, but it will take you one step further…it will allow you to “enter” the presence of God.
Jan Aldridge, Jan Aldridge Ministries

Angela has the heart of a true worshipper. She creates a holy expectation then leads us into the Throne Room of God where hearts are changed by His presence. Her songs arise from a life of worship and walking with The Lord!
Susanne Cox, Speaker, Advocate, Co-founder of Legacy of Purpose

I loved serving at Angela’s church! She is so full of love and life and… surprises! When our worship leader’s accompanist’s flight was delayed, Angela stepped right up and played the keyboard as if she’d rehearsed her whole life just for that one night! It was just one more indication that she is gifted by God and ready to serve however and whenever He calls! I am blessed to call her my sister in Christ.

Jennifer Rothschild, Author of 14 Books and Founder of Fresh Grounded Faith